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Honkbark Studios has made it to the news

Honkbark Studios has made it to the news

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Honkbark studios has made it to the news with our new game Friendsheep. Last Friday we released it and has since then been appreciated by players.

If you know your Swedish you’ll understand the contents in these articles.

We are very pleased to get some press coverage since it has proven to be hard to get. We’ll probably write a story about it and share some experience. But for now, here are the news:

“Ung entreprenör lanserar mobilspel” – Företagsam.nu
(Translation: Young entrepreneur releases mobile game)

“Första mobilspelet från Jönköpings nya spelstudios har lanserats” – Jmini
(Translation First mobil game from Jönköpings new game studio has been released)


Categories: Game development,Random thingy