Developer blog

- November 6, 2015
Unity console log message truncated
Sometimes when building a unity project you might run into a build error. This error message is logged in the console of unity. Sometimes the message is to long to fit in this window, so it says <message truncated> to read the full log entry you need to open the unity log files. The file […]

- October 31, 2015
Troubleshooting Unable to convert classes into dex format in unity
This technique was used while developing Friendsheep. When building an android package of your unity game you might come across this error message. And specially if you use a few different assets from the asset store. Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to convert classes into dex format. See the Console for details. And the console […]

- October 30, 2015
A screenshot from the upcoming site
We are working on our website. It will be pretty. very pretty. It’s also almost finished. Here comes a screenshot of how it will look like.

- October 16, 2015
Friendsheep update
Friendsheep is still in progress folks. But it’s been silent for a while since the work on the site for honkbark studios has started. However today i’m going to share a new piece of media from Friendsheep. The image above is a part of the tutorial that will be shown when you start the game for […]

- August 11, 2015
unity3d game volume
There is a global volume setting for unity games that is simple to use. It’s called AudioListener.volume. In this example we will toggle the volume on and off in a game by the click of a button. The code in this example is published on Github and after each step you can have a look at how […]

- July 8, 2015
Saving data in unity
This tutorial will cover how to save data to disk or device that can be loaded again after the game has been shutdown and restarted again. You can download or clone this tutorial from this repository on Github. This technique is used in Friendsheep. 1. Let’s begin with setting up the scene. Start by adding […]