Developer blog

- June 24, 2016
Friendsheep has reached 500 downloads
Hi! Thank you everyone who has downloaded and played Friendsheep! We have reach 500 downloads! And that is far more then we expected when releasing this game. Since we consider it our Hello , World! of the gaming market. Programmers will understand what hello, world! is, others could read up on it on wikipedia. If […]

- June 7, 2016
TapController Unity3d tutorial
In this TapController Unity3d tutorial we’ll create a script that will work so that when the player taps the screen, a force is added to a GameObject. This technique is used in Friendsheep. This code is open sourced, and you can download it from the unity examples repository. This is the finished TapController.cs. As an example have a […]

- May 31, 2016
Honkbark Studios has made it to the news
Honkbark studios has made it to the news with our new game Friendsheep. Last Friday we released it and has since then been appreciated by players. If you know your Swedish you’ll understand the contents in these articles. We are very pleased to get some press coverage since it has proven to be hard to get. […]

- May 27, 2016
Friendsheep is released!
The day is finally here. Friendsheep is released! You must help the sheep stay alive! You can download it for iOS and Android devices. Story: A deranged professor and farmer wanted to grow his two pigs, Baconesse and Porky, larger because of his unstoppable food cravings. But in his lab, the professor accidentaly spilled the bottle […]

- May 23, 2016
Friendsheep release date
Our first game Friendsheep now has a release date. It is 2016-05-27, It’s this friday. Then the two supersheep need your help! Stay tuned on the official Friendsheep site for more updates and information!

- April 29, 2016
New video from Friendsheep
We’ve got a New video from Friendsheep for ya’. It’s also got some news to the end of it. Why don’t you take a look: The news contains some inverted gravitation and very pretty fireworks. Some new sounds and other interesting thingies.